Sunday, July 25, 2010

Open Wide

Braden has had some great firsts this week including swimming in the pool, grabbing for things with intent, and starting to eat a variety of foods which must be helping his almost 17 pound frame!

He is moving through the veggie group fast and furious. Some have been bigger hits than others. For example he LOVES sweet potatoes. As for peas, the jury is still out... see for yourself in the video. It is also quite the messy experience but so wonderful to watch him get better and better with each feed. Moving on to fruits this week!


  1. Hahahaha....that was so funny. His face was not happy, but he kept on trying.

  2. Dear Braden, You and I are of one mind on the peas!

  3. Can't wait to feed Mr. B. too. I loved the facial expressions...he is precious!! Luv, Gammy

  4. So adorable! Love to see these videos, Julia - thank you for posting them! Can't wait to see you (and him!) soon. Love, Polly
